December 20, 2018


Motorbike Mumcation in Pakistan - by Sophee Smiles

Sophee Smiles in Pakistan - Supernomad
Who'd have thought that I’d find the freedom I craved in Pakistan, a country where conservative Islamic doctrine steers the lives of many civilians with a firm hand; a place where women (and men) struggle to enjoy some of the liberties I’ve become accustomed to in Australia. But that’s exactly what happened. I recently headed to Pakistan for a motorbike journey and ‘mumcation’ (i.e. child and husband-free vacation), and I haven’t felt so wild and alive in a long time.
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January 05, 2018


Romania: Alba County Adventure - by Sophee Smiles

Sophee Smiles in Alba County, Romania

The Transalpina road, Apuseni National Park and Salina Turda are just the beginning when it comes to epic adventures in Alba County, Romania. This little-known region is home to some of the most incredible travel experiences in Europe, if not the world.

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January 29, 2017


India Inspiration: five ideas for adventure - by Hippie in Heels

Hippie in Heels - Bomdila Monastery

From paddleboarding in Varkala to the Bomdila Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh, Rachel Jones of Hippie in Heels gives us 5 inspirational ideas for an adventure in India.

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February 05, 2016


Arctic Dog Sledding Adventure - by the Twins That Travel

Twins That Travel at Supernomad

My five days dog sledding in the Arctic were beyond anything I could ever have hoped for. The landscape, the dogs, the ability to switch off from the rest of the world and focus on the brilliant humans around me were all highlights for me. I left Kiruna with treasured memories, new friends and the knowledge that we had all positively contributed to charities close to our hearts. I could not recommend this type of experience enough.

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October 27, 2015


The Most Unreal Sight in Africa - by TravelPlusStyle

Travel Plus Style at Supernomad

For the non-romantics, Sossusvlei and Deadvlei are just some dry, salt-and-clay pans surrounded by big dunes, in Namibia’s Namib Desert. For the rest of us, it's a natural wonder that defies description: one of those corners of the planet that look too dream-like for anybody to believe they actually exist. We went to Namibia to check for ourselves―and brought back these photos.

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September 23, 2015


Camping In Kyrgyzstan - Sophee Southall of Sophee Smiles

Sophee Smiles at Supernomad

Kyrgyzstan is a place that boggles the mind – or, my mind, at least. My two-week stay in this curious country left me feeling more removed from home than I’ve felt in a long time. The complete Kyrgyzstan experience was unlike any I’d encountered – in the media, in person or in conversation. But, that’s what made it an adventure.

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September 11, 2015


Memories of Travels Past: Horseback Riding Through the Dominican Republic - by Katharina Parsons of A Life Beautifully Travelled

Beautifully Travelled at Supernomad

As a child I had the pleasure of travelling to one or several different countries every year. Not only did these trips make me the person I am, they are also some of the most cherished moments of my life so far. Here follows the story of when we went horseback riding through the Dominican Republic - my fond memories of travel's past...

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